Teresa Beattie

Teresa is a 1985 graduate of Villanova University with a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Nursing. With 37 years of experience in the clinical arena, Teresa has worked in several academic settings such as Graduate Hospital (A University of Pennsylvania affiliate), Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and Princeton Endoscopy Center in Princeton NJ. She is appreciative of those who have taught her to practice with some of the highest standards of care.

In addition to her nursing career, Teresa holds a certification as a professional coach focusing on life leadership. In 2021, Teresa received additional certification as a certified Equine Mental Health and Learning Specialist. Through her own journey, she has uncovered a passion for horses and has personally discovered the power of the equine relationship through its presence and authenticity.

She resides in Easton, PA.

Patient Advocacy

Qualified professionals partnering with our clients and their families to navigate and advocate for the informed, comprehensive, quality healthcare we all deserve.

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